''Sometime people never get what they deserve because they keep holding things they are suppose to let go'' -Anonymous

Monday 8 June 2015

A new me

It's not early of year but I decided to change a bit. Maybe my ideal of certain things doesn't mean that it's an ideal term for everyone. Sometime staying silent will make things better. Everyone will be worry of me. Hmm

About my study, I'll aim higher. Make my school and class proud. But most importantly make my parent proud of me again. 

Also I had being excersicing on not relying on my phone too much. Phone is a great device but sometime phone taking my time too much as I got easily distracted.

Waaaa till then. 

*sweep2 blog* 

P/s: a picture of food because why not? Lol

Friday 20 February 2015

Think before you speak

Lately I had being thinking.... Reflecting what I had being doing and saying to the people around me. 

Honestly, I had offend a lot of people. And I only realised it only when people done the same to me. Ouch...the feeling hurt a lot even though people had apologised. 

When you said that word, You mean it. Which doesn't change any fact even though you had apologised. 

I feel really bad and depressed because of this. I know I shouldn't make a big deal out of this but seriously it hurts a lot when you friend said they're disappointed if you. 

I should try to clear my head a bit. 

Till then 

Friday 2 January 2015

2015 (second term and third term of STPM)

So this is it the start of second term. 4 assignment ready to be done. Will update soon about new environment in school.